Intersex Process Drama 雙性人生命歷程互動劇場

On Intersex Day of Solidarity, 8 November, there was a interactive drama workshop hold be HER Sparkles member, Ginny. The workshop included a “Process Drama” to speak about intersex, and let the participants to act together, the participants will be able understand the experience of intersex more deeply!


After the workshop, over 80% of participant said that they had known more about intersex issues. Over 75% of participants said they will read more about intersex issues actively!


Read More 雙性人是什麼人? :

HER Sparkles : Sticky Rice Love’s work

HER Sparkles之一的糖不甩,將與嶺大學生會合辦兩場分享會,談性愛與親密關係的溝通!歡迎轉發~~

HER Sparkles : Sticky Rice Love sharing sessions about love and intimacy  in Lingnan University!

HER Fund 今年首次開展的「HER Sparkles年青女生意念實踐計劃」,鼓勵年青女性實現各種顛覆性別的「生活革命」。
‪#‎hersparkle‬ ‪#‎HERFund‬ ‪#‎youths‬ ‪#‎youngwomen‬ ‪#‎MakeItHappen‬‪#‎stayyoungnsparkkeon‬

HER Sparkles 第二節 / Session Two

HER Sparkles 第二節同行學習環節,由刺激的反思開始!


今日一班 Sparkles 聚首,以青年、性別角度切入分析各關注的性別議題,清晰訂定倡議運動的目標、管理項目的技巧。

參加者Samantha:「之前未聽過 youth-led 想法,對我嚟講係刺激的新思維。同行學習的氣氛令我覺得平等,夠膽講心中所想,甚至互相挑戰大家想法。」

HER Fund 好開心邀請到對「青年領導」具有心得的人權工作者Clara 來幫忙主持!多謝你,好正呀!

Session Two was a very inspiring session. We are very happy to have Clara,a Human Rights Worker,  shared with us about youth leadership.
HER Fund 今年首次開展的「HER Sparkles年青女生意念實踐計劃」,鼓勵年青女性實現各種顛覆性別的「生活革命」。


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Sharing from Samantha

參加者Samantha:「之前未聽過 youth-led 想法,對我嚟講係刺激的新思維。同行學習的氣氛令我覺得平等,夠膽講心中所想,甚至互相挑戰大家想法。」

Samantha : I have never heard idea about “youth-led”, very inspiring! Peer-learning makes me feel very equal, we dare to share the thoughts in 11257951_10153846902494689_2457191516565395889_nminds and criticize others.

The first peer learning session of HER Sparkles completed!

HER Sparkles 第一節「同行學習」完成!

HER Fund 今年首次開展的「HER Sparkles年青女生意念實踐計劃」,鼓勵年青女性實現各種顛覆性別的「生活革命」。想知呢班女仔會有咩經歷同學習,就記得留意我地facebook喇~


The first peer learning session of HER Sparkles completed!

“HER Sparkles” project is HER new attempt this year that encourages young women to implement their innovative ideas and realize their subversive “daily life gender revolutions”. If you want to know more about their adventures, please follow our facebook or visit:
#hersparkle #HERFund #youths #youngwomen#MakeItHappen #stayyoungnsparkkeon


【生活革命 由 Sparkles 開始】之七:《妳的名字 我的性事》


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HER Fund 鼓勵創意與使命感兼備的年青女生,從性別、年青人的議題?發,將希望改變社會的想法轉化為行動,促進人權發展。

因此,HER Fund 推? HER Sparkles 計劃,廣邀年青女生提交計劃書,獲選者將會得到港幣一萬元資助,實踐理想。HER Sparkles 為期一年,透過一連串的訓練、共同學習及網絡支援平台,在過程中的互動以完善計劃,與參加者共同發掘。重奪自主生活、讓改變啟動!

想知多少少每個計劃的內容,計劃主腦的想法,就要繼續密切留意我們的Facebook 和 HERSparkles的Blog 和 Instagram 啦!
Instagram: #hersparkles @hersparkles

#HERSparkles #HERfund #MakeItHappen #IWD2015

[Life revolution: starts from Sparkles] One of 8 revolutionary projects: My Sex Stories

In the shadow of the patriarchal system, women in Hong Kong have not achieved much progress in sexual autonomy for a long time, thus they could not really enjoy a free sexual life. Besides, with a tense and rapid pace of living, both men and women have laid less attention on sex life. Women who admit or discuss about sexual desire would be tagged “slutty”, “bitch” and the like. This project aims to promote the female sexual autonomy by helping them to recognize, express, pursue and practice a healthier sexual living style, to maintain both mental and physical health, and above all, to break the stereotype that women should not show sexual desires.

【生活革命 由 Sparkles 開始】之六:《《我是移民家庭的女兒》紀錄片計劃》

在女兒眼中,母親總是可敬可愛,卻又忙於為口奔馳,又或為照顧家庭疲於奔命。這幾乎是所有香港母女關係的寫照–而新移民也毫不例外。 他們說,新移民是非我族類。 他們說,新移民不事生產。 他們又說,新移民…… 媒體充斥著種種對新移民的負面想像和論述,我們又有否聽過新移民的自述? 就讓我們透過這個計劃,打破對他們的刻板定型,彼此重新認識對方。把紛陳的外在差異還原,我們的日常與悲喜是何其相似,因為……我們都是人。 *** *** *** *** *** *** HER Fund 鼓勵創意與使命感兼備的年青女生,從性別、年青人的議題?發,將希望改變社會的想法轉化為行動,促進人權發展。 因此,HER Fund 推? HER Sparkles 計劃,廣邀年青女生提交計劃書,獲選者將會得到港幣一萬元資助,實踐理想。HER Sparkles 為期一年,透過一連串的訓練、共同學習及網絡支援平台,在過程中的互動以完善計劃,與參加者共同發掘。重奪自主生活、讓改變啟動! 想知多少少每個計劃的內容,計劃主腦的想法,就要繼續密切留意我們的Facebook 和 HERSparkles的Blog 和 Instagram 啦! Blog: Instagram: #hersparkles

[Life revolution: starts from Sparkles] One of 8 revolutionary projects: I am the daughter of an immigrant family” Documentary Film Project In the eye of the daughter, mom is always respectable and adorable, yet always busy with earning and living. This is almost the situation of all mother-daughter relationships in Hong Kong, which also include that of the new immigrants. They said “The new immigrants are not my breed”. They said “The new migrants do not work hard”. They also said “The new migrants…” Negative images and discourses fill the mass media; however, have we ever listened to their own words? Let us break the stereotype of the new immigrants and try to learn from each other all over again through this project. By ripping off the external difference between us, we would find out the amazing similarity of our life, both joy and sorrow, only because… we are all ordinary people.

【生活革命 由 Sparkles 開始】之五:《女仔野》


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HER Fund 鼓勵創意與使命感兼備的年青女生,從性別、年青人的議題?發,將希望改變社會的想法轉化為行動,促進人權發展。
因此,HER Fund 推? HER Sparkles 計劃,廣邀年青女生提交計劃書,獲選者將會得到港幣一萬元資助,實踐理想。HER Sparkles 為期一年,透過一連串的訓練、共同學習及網絡支援平台,在過程中的互動以完善計劃,與參加者共同發掘。重奪自主生活、讓改變啟動!

想知多少少每個計劃的內容,計劃主腦的想法,就要繼續密切留意我們的Facebook 和 HERSparkles的Blog 和 Instagram 啦!
Instagram: #hersparkles

[Life revolution: starts from Sparkles] One of 8 revolutionary projects:  “Nui Zai Ye” (English translation: “Girl Stuff”) Period Supplies

Period Supplies include not only sanitary napkins but also cloth pads, tampons, menstrual cups and so on. However, there are very few selections of such articles or information for women in Hong Kong, which could hardly meet the need of different individuals. “Nui Zai Ye” hopes to promote the diversity of Hong Kong female supplies and to help improve female autonomy as well as waste reduction.

【生活革命 由 Sparkles 開始】之四:《糖不甩網上性健康平台》

Sticky Rice Love 糖不甩 是個針對香港青少年的網上性健康平台,設有討論區及網誌。除了可靠的性知識,更營造空間去討論性相關議題,令不同的人能對議題有充分的了解去為自己作決定。我們希望建立網上性教育課程,為香港青少年提供適合他們而又有效的性教育。

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HER Fund 鼓勵創意與使命感兼備的年青女生,從性別、年青人的議題?發,將希望改變社會的想法轉化為行動,促進人權發展。
因此,HER Fund 推? HER Sparkles 計劃,廣邀年青女生提交計劃書,獲選者將會得到港幣一萬元資助,實踐理想。HER Sparkles 為期一年,透過一連串的訓練、共同學習及網絡支援平台,在過程中的互動以完善計劃,與參加者共同發掘。重奪自主生活、讓改變啟動!

想知多少少每個計劃的內容,計劃主腦的想法,就要繼續密切留意我們的Facebook 和 HERSparkles的Blog 和 Instagram 啦!
Instagram: #hersparkles

#HERSparkles #HERfund #MakeItHappen #IWD2015

[Life revolution: starts from Sparkles] One of 8 revolutionary projects: ”Sticky Rice Love” Online Platform for Sexual Health

”Sticky Rice Love” is an online sexual health platform with online discussion forums and magazines aims at Hong Kong youth. Apart from credible sex knowledge, there are also discussion forums for different people to fully understand the issue and help make decisions for themselves. We also hope to establish online sexual courses for a more suitable and effective sex education for Hong Kong youngsters.